Showing posts with label Walnuts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walnuts. Show all posts

Thursday 30 July 2015

Zucchini Bread

Wonderfully moist and spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg this zucchini bread is a winner. 

Zucchini Bread Recipe | Nomsies Kitchen

You must be wondering what sort of healthy bread-cake this is. Well, even though it has zucchini in it I won’t say it is particularly healthy. It is definitely a sweet treat but boy oh boy, you need to try it!

Zucchini Bread Recipe | Nomsies Kitchen

It is so delicious you will want to have it for breakfast every day. The bread is topped with oat streusel and chocolate chips – doesn’t that just sound divine?

Zucchini Bread Recipe | Nomsies Kitchen

Zucchini Bread Recipe | Nomsies Kitchen

If you are anything like me, you would have been baking banana bread for ages and ages. This zucchini bread is definitely a nice change and you really ought to include it in your life.

Zucchini Bread Recipe | Nomsies Kitchen

The method of making it is similar to banana bread or muffins, just add the wet ingredients to the dry. There is also no need for any butter and hence, no need for an electric mixer. Easy isn’t it? Try it for yourself, you won’t regret it!

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Banana Walnut Bread

Deliciously simple and straightforward banana walnut bread recipe made with butter instead of the usual vegetable oil.

Banana Walnut Bread Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

Banana bread and banana muffins have previously been featured on Nomsies Kitchen. You can have a read of all those previous recipes here. It includes my all-time favourite recipe for Banana Muffins with Chocolate Chunks and Hazelnuts. However, I always like trying out new recipes for banana bread or muffins, I just can’t resist.

I have always wondered about the difference in using butter compared to vegetable oil in banana bread. After reading many rather lively debates and articles on the internet, my conclusion is that using vegetable oil produces a lighter, fluffier crumb whereas using butter produces a richer and heavier, albeit more flavourful bread.

Banana Walnut Bread Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

This is actually my first time using butter in a banana bread simply because using butter usually calls for the use of a mixer. If I can get away without using a mixer, I will. I thought now is as good a time as any to get rid of this prejudice of mine which is truly one that is inspired by laziness and give it a go.

End result? Well, I must be consistent and stick with my earlier conclusion. Using butter definitely adds flavour, and when the bread is baking the smell from the mix of banana and butter is indeed heavenly – something that is missing from ones made with vegetable oil. The bread itself is also richer and denser than banana bread made using vegetable oil.

In all fairness, it also was not that difficult to use a mixer here. Just make sure the butter is properly softened first. You might notice that I used 3 teaspoons of Nutella in the recipe, this is purely optional. The reason I added so little was because there was all that I have left in the jar at the time.

Banana Walnut Bread Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

Use this recipe if you are looking for a deliciously simple and straightforward banana bread recipe. You will not be disappointed.

Banana Walnut Bread Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

Friday 13 December 2013

Christmas Fruit Cake

Nomsies Kitchen Christmas Fruit Cake Recipe
Nomsies Kitchen | Christmas Fruit Cake
Christmas Fruit Cake with Walnuts
Hello everyone! With the festive season upon us, I know I have been sharing a lot of sweet recipes due to all the holiday baking I have been doing. I will try to post more savouries soon, meanwhile I hope you are embracing the festivities and enjoying your holiday baking.

Today, I want to share this very dear and special recipe for Christmas Fruit Cake with you. This is going to be a somewhat lengthy post, but I hope you bear with me as I wish to set out as many tips and tricks that I have learnt from my own hard and sometimes tearful experience with you so that you will be able to achieve the perfect bake.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Moist Banana Walnut Chocolate Bread

Nomsies Kitchen Moist Banana Walnut Chocolate Bread Recipe
Nomsies Kitchen: Moist Banana Walnut Chocolate Bread
Moist Banana Walnut Chocolate Bread with desiccated coconut for a soft texture and intense flavour
Hello and how have we all been keeping?

Well, my schedule has been a bit out of whack. I had it all planned but then an unscheduled road trip for 2 days seems to have side tracked my best laid plans. In any event, I am looking forward to the road trip! Will rather work extra harder these few days and enjoy! Hey, I am learning how to embrace change better and not get so cranky if things don’t go as planned. That is one of my goals for 2014 and beyond, learning to embrace things. Of course I reserve the right to be cranky every now and then. There, caveat entered!

Nomsies Kitchen: Moist Banana Walnut Chocolate Bread

So, where was I, ah – yes, I wanted to share a recipe for a moist banana walnut chocolate bread. Oh I know there are thousands of banana bread recipes, but I really did enjoy this recipe and it takes 2 minutes to make. Well, you got me there, it takes 10 minutes of prep time, but that is short and easy enough. This banana bread is really quite filling and it worked really well for several brunches and lunches for me. The desiccated coconut gives body to the texture. As for the chocolate chips, well, most things are better with chocolate and this is definitely the case here. As a side note, I have reduced the sugar content so if you want it sweeter, go ahead and increase the amount of sugar by 50gm.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Cranberries, Sultanas & Walnut Bread

Nomsies Kitchen Cranberries, Sultanas & Walnut Bread Recipe
Cranberries, Sultanas and Walnut Bread from Nomsies Kitchen
Freshly Baked Cranberries, Sultanas and Walnut Bread
Let me start off by saying that this bread recipe is something well worth having in your recipe index. I have made this many a time and it is a firm favourite in my house. Each bite of soft bread is accompanied by juicy fruits and nuts. It tastes lovely as it is, but it tastes even better if you warm it up.

Cranberries, Sultanas and Walnut Bread from Nomsies Kitchen

It is not at all difficult to make. The baking process is very similar to that of cinnamon buns except that instead of cutting the rolled up dough into pieces, you have to cut down the length it and twist it to form a "couronne" or crown. This recipe was adapted from Paul Hollywood's book "How to Bake", originally made using apricots, I found that I personally preferred using cranberries. In addition, I have also removed marzipan from the recipe. It is a matter of personal preference but you can of course stick to the original recipe and use apricots and marzipan.