Showing posts with label Rice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rice. Show all posts

Thursday 5 February 2015

Vegetarian Fried Rice

Straight up super easy fried rice. French beans and frozen peas are the key here.

Vegetarian Fried Rice Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

This vegetarian fried rice really saved me one lunchtime when I was starving and had to be fed F.A.S.T.

Vegetarian Fried Rice Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

I used Ketjap Manis here instead of Soy Sauce as I wanted that little extra burst of flavour that comes from this thick caramel like wonder-sauce. If you are unfamiliar with Ketjap Manis, it is essentially an Indonesian take on Soy Sauce and has sugar in it resulting in a very thick syrupy sauce. If you have been to Indonesia before you will notice it on every table at most eateries, it’s like a must-have sauce that goes on everything. Amazing!

Vegetarian Fried Rice Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

Vegetarian Fried Rice Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

Best part of this vegetarian fried rice was that I made a bit more so I had some leftovers for the next day’s lunch as well. It is so ridiculously easy and good, you almost don’t need a recipe for this, just taste as you go along.

In a way I guess I am not that fussy and don’t mind eating the same thing dish twice, be it in the same day or over two consecutive days. Are you like that too?

Vegetarian Fried Rice Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

Thursday 24 July 2014

Spicy Nonya Fried Rice

Nomsies Kitchen Spicy Nonya Fried Rice Recipe
If you like your fried rice with a twist, this is the recipe for you. Super savoury and slightly spicy, this is my favourite fried rice recipe! 

Spicy Nonya Fried Rice Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen


Here is another Nonya recipe for you. It is a recipe for spicy Nonya fried rice. I must say it is my favourite fried rice recipe because it is so flavourful and really hits the spot.

Spicy Nonya Fried Rice Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

I have previously given a little insight on Nonya cuisine and its origins. You can read about that in my post for Nonya Chicken Curry.

Spicy Nonya Fried Rice Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

Spicy Nonya Fried Rice Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

This recipe’s Nonya influence is evident in its use of dried prawns and lots of shallots and garlic. It also calls for a tablespoon of chilli paste.

If you are afraid of spicy food, you can always reduce the chilli in the recipe or omit it altogether. I have not cooked it without chilli before so I am unable to comment on whether that will have an impact on the taste.

On the other hand, if you can handle your spicy food, you might want to add an additional tablespoon of chilli paste.

Spicy Nonya Fried Rice Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

Friday 27 June 2014

Fish Congee

A classic one-pot meal, you can never turn down a bowl of steaming fish congee.

Fish Congee Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

Hello and happy Friday!

I hope you had a great week and are looking forward to a fun-filled weekend! I am having such a good time watching the World Cup, I tell you, I have been experiencing a lack of voice from all the shouting I have been doing at my TV. It’s a rest day from the football today so I thought I might catch up on my blogging.

Fish Congee Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

Since I have been cooking for one this week, it has been really slow food wise. I cook something and it takes me 2 days to finish the whole lot. It’s good in a way, as that means I have more time to do other things. Ideally, I should be telling you that I have been uber productive and spring cleaned the house and ran a 100 miles but no, it’s more like watching football with the Kardashians and the Fashion Police in between.  

Anyway, one of my easy one-pot meals for one is fish congee. I love congee and always order it when I have dim sum. At home, I make this really easy fish congee with cod fish. It’s just putting everything in a pot and leaving it to boil. I can never refuse a bowl of this comforting congee and I hope you try it for yourself.

Note my Brazilian colours place mats!

Monday 16 June 2014

Brown Rice with Peas

A twist on cooking normal boiled rice, the added peas make this a clever way to sneak in more vegetables to your diet. 

Brown Rice with Peas Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

Hello and happy Meatless Monday!

I overindulged in dim sum once again yesterday, as such, I need to be a good girl diet-wise today. I have a super healthy and easy recipe for you, that is, brown rice with green peas. It is a clever way to jazz up normal boiled rice. It is also great to sneak in more vegetables to your diet!  

Brown Rice with Peas Recipe from Nomsies Kitchen

You cook the rice as you normally would, just add in some seasoning and the peas. The seasoning used here is mirin, light soy sauce and salt. If you are not vegetarian you can use some chicken stock.

I usually have this with stir fried vegetables. Veggies on top of more veggies. Go for it, it’s good for you!

Monday 11 November 2013

Vegetarian Chinese Egg Fried Rice

Nomsies Kitchen Vegetarian Chinese Egg Fried Rice Recipe
Vegetarian Chinese Egg Fried Rice from Nomsies Kitchen
Vegetarian Chinese Egg Fried Rice
Happy Meatless Monday everyone! Can you believe that it is time for another Meatless Monday? I do hope you had a lovely weekend. If it involved a lot of feasting, do not fret, have more vegetables and fruits today to bring some balance back into your body.

I have some leftover rice so once again it is time for fried rice. I am sure I have mentioned that I am not a fan of washing the rice cooker so I always cook up a big batch of rice to save on washing up. I know that the leftovers can be quickly microwaved when needed (just add some water to keep it fluffy and soft) or turn it into a favourite dish – fried rice!

Vegetarian Chinese Egg Fried Rice from Nomsies Kitchen

This time it is a vegetarian egg fried rice, an excellent way of using up any leftover vegetables. In this version, I use chestnut mushrooms, sugar snap peas and baby corn. The sugar snap peas and baby corn add a lovely crisp texture to the fried rice – much better than any frozen vegetables. If you need to use up any leftover rice – give this a go, you will have a meal on the table in less than 30 minutes.

Friday 9 August 2013

Thai Style Pineapple Fried Rice

Nomsies Kitchen Thai Style Pineapple Fried Rice Recipe
Pineapple Fried Rice from Nomsies Kitchen
Pineapple Fried Rice
Hello and happy Friday!

I am so happy it is the weekend again. What are your plans?

We are having some friends over for dinner tomorrow. I was thinking of making my Mango Cheesecake for dessert, that seems to be my staple dessert this summer! I shall henceforth rename Summer 2013 as the summer of the Mango Cheesecake.

Speaking of fruits, I bought a pineapple during last weekends grocery shop. I ate half of it and still had another half. I decided to use the leftover half to cook pineapple fried rice. I am not sure if you have tried Thai Style Pineapple Fried Rice, but you should! You have the sweetness of the pineapple, the savouriness of the fish sauce and spiciness from chilli all combining to make a tasty rice dish. I wanted something vegetarian so did not use any meat or seafood. Feel free to include some prawns or chicken breast in yours if you prefer.
Pineapple Fried Rice from Nomsies Kitchen

Friday 5 July 2013

Healthier Fried Rice & Tamago

Washing the rice cooker is not my favourite chore, so when I do cook rice I prefer to cook a big batch to last a few meals. We eat mostly brown rice in this house and in my weekly fridge clean out, I found I had a whole batch of leftover cooked brown rice. What better way to clean out the fridge with bits of leftover ingredients by making fried rice. That way I can use up my sugar snap peas as well, hey, fried rice works every single time!

At the same time, I wanted to try out a Japanese omelette ("Tamago") recipe which I found on this site called "How to Make Great Sushi". I like it because  - A. I have all the ingredients already B. It's so darn easy!